We design antennas from 1 to 200GHz.
PAS specializes in R&D and rapid prototyping, for information contact us directly.
Active Electronic Scanned Arrays (AESA) & Digital Beamforming Arrays (DBF) - 2 to 35 GHz
PAS Cognitive Adaptive Beams (CABs) family of arrays for both AESA and DBF applications

Directional Arrays Including High Speed Gimbal & Controller - 2 to 50 GHz

Sensor & Omnidirectional Antennas - 0.8 to 50 GHz

SATCOM LEO & GEO - 0.8 to 35 GHz

High Power Microwave (HPM) & Counter Drone Systems - 1 to 95 GHz

Integrated Flightworthy Communication Pods - 30 MHz to 95 GHz

Ground Stations - 0.8 to 95 GHz